First Responders Resiliency, Inc.® provides a PROACTIVE science-based approach to the physiological, neurological, psychological, and emotional effects of trauma and stress on first responders and their families. Here is an overview of the modules we use for our training.



The Brain Modules:
Autonomic and Central Nervous System

The Body Modules:
Physical Discharge
Physical Exercise and Nutrition
Importance of Sleep
Toxin Exposures

The Mind Modules:
Psychological Health
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Emotional Awareness

The Legacy Modules:
Family Health
Modality Training

The Disability Reduction Modules:
Substance Abuse
Suicide Awareness
Stress and Injury Reduction

  • Training Attendee
    “Thank you so much. This will be of great benefit to me for the rest of my career and life for that matter.”
    Training Attendee
    September 2019
  • Training Attendee
    “I needed this training more than you could have imagined. I will be trying to attend one of the seminars as I feel that would benefit even more. Everything was spot on and hit home to a ‘T!”
    Training Attendee
    May 2019
  • Training Attendee
    “The most valuable portion of this conference for me was the foundation of Love which the course is based on.”
    Training Attendee
    February 2020
  • 16-hour training attendee
    "That was the best training I could have ever received. Everyone needs this training and I believe SD would benefit greatly from having them back."
    16-hour training attendee
    South Dakota
  • Rainer J. Navarro
    "Resiliency First Inc. provided a full day of excellent information and tools to cope with stress, with a great mix of instruction and activity. Your information on sleep deprivation resonated with many of us and I am using some of your suggestions at the end of a busy day. Your professional staff was honest, encouraging, and caring. They provided excellent information and experiences from their own public safety careers."
    Rainer J. Navarro
    Chief of Police
  • Paramedic/Firefighter
    "I was able to relate to every aspect of this training… keeping my nervous system in check, brain function, sleep deprivation, but what was most valuable was the sincerity and passion of your message and your team’s honesty and background."
    Sonoma County
  • Paramedic/Captain
    "From start to finish this conference was well thought out, vital and effective! It left me with hope and inspiration."
    Alameda County
  • The Glendon Association
    Fabulous!!!! Thank you for going through Hell and here to pull the rest of us through with structure, education and compassion self care.  Such courage and determination! Thank you!
    She did an excellent job and showing her vulnerability added to our own vulnerabilities we often do not discuss over the past year.
    GREAT! Can't say anything but GREAT! Thank you, Glendon Association, for offering this webinar. Susan has invested her life into helping others and today shows just how far people can go when they have a vision and true desire to stomp out some of the suffering in the world.
    I am so touched by Susan's honest and open sharing about her personal story.  Her resilience in creating and planning for her dream "retreat center" for First Responders is inspiring. My heartfelt thanks for Jina organizing this webinar. Blessings.
    Excellent training. I would like to learn more (about how to listen other people pain?) in the future.
    It was very good content.
    The Glendon Association
    April 2021
  • First Responder Wife
    "I just wanted to tell you how impactful your Family Services session was. I am so grateful to you for starting such a phenomenal program. Thank you so much for recognizing the need to help your tribe."
    First Responder Wife
    Bay Area
  • First Responder
    "Your entire class was outstanding. You are shedding light on such important topics First Responders deal with. I especially liked the holistic ways to deal with stress. Thank you, thank you!!"
    First Responder
    Sacramento Area
  • Firefighter/Paramedic’s Wife
    "As a firefighter/paramedic’s wife for almost 17 years now, I had a life-changing experience yesterday at the Resiliency 1st conference. My life mission is now to spread the word about this non-profit. This program will save lives. This program will save relationships. This program provides scientific explanations for how First Responder’s minds change in this field of work and provides the tools to heal and live healthy, happy lives. This program should be mandatory for incoming First Responders because you don’t know what you don’t know and these selfless professionals deserve to have the knowledge and tools to cope with their line of work. I learned more about my husband, his profession and myself at this conference than I have in the almost 17 we have been married. My husband is not alone. I am not alone. We are not alone. You are not alone. If you are a First Responder or have a loved one that is, reach out to this non-profit. It will be life changing."
    Firefighter/Paramedic’s Wife
  • Firefighter
    "This conference helped me wake-up and gave me hope about dealing with PTSD"
    Sonoma County
  • Firefighter & Paramedic
    "I can honestly say that the retreat was life changing for me. I came in that weekend not really understanding why I would feel or act a certain way after I would get home from work….after having a hard shift. At times I felt like I was the only one feeling this way. After your retreat, I realized that there are reasons why we act the way we do or feel how we do as first responders… and we aren’t crazy. The neuroscience behind repeated trauma and what goes on in our brain (PTSD) was mind blowing… no pun intended. You made me feel normal. Your speakers made me feel normal. You helped me realize that there are simple techniques like breathing that can help relax us… and it also has so many other benefits. You made me realize how important self care is and not to be sorry to take care of ourselves for once. I have tools now that will help me be successful in my career and in life. I loved the retreat and EVERYONE involved. Thanks again for everything!"
    Firefighter & Paramedic
    Novato Fire & Representative to the California Statewide Behavioral Health Task Force
  • Fire Chief Greg Fish
    “Finally, someone who fully understands the first responder’s culture and has cracked the code on making us mentally whole.”
    Fire Chief Greg Fish
    Carpinteria/Summerland Fire Protection District
  • Dr. John Freedman
    "After a lifetime career as a first responder (hospital-based anesthesiologist) and personnel manager (department Chair for 25 years) I have seen and felt the toll that workplace stress can take on frontline caregivers in the acute and hyper-acute care setting. To see Susan Farren and her FRRI program colleagues bring this issue out into the daylight, and develop a robust evidence-based program to proactively address the problem and promote caregiver wellness, is nothing short of wonderful. Kudos to you for squarely identifying and definitively taking on a long-neglected issue – you’ve truly found a way to make the world a better place."
    Dr. John Freedman
    Board-certified in Anesthesiology and Internal Medicine
  • Conference Attendee
    “I came here after a year and a half of hard core personal work but was having anxiety about how or where my path is leading; I’ve been struggling again with purpose this grounded me…”
    Conference Attendee
    July 2019
  • Conference Attendee
    “I’m hooked, I’ve learned more about myself these last 3 days than in my 47 years on this earth.”
    Conference Attendee
    July 2019
  • Conference Attendee
    “This should be required for all first responders.”
    Conference Attendee
    April 2019
  • Police Officer
    “This was the best three days of training I’ve ever been to! Thank you so much for everything. It was LIFE CHANGING!”
    Police Officer
    November 2022
  • Firefighter
    “I was in such bad shape I don’t know what more I needed. Just know you probably stopped another firefighter statistic. You saved my life and marriage. Hope I can keep it up.”
    November 2022
  • Sheriff's Deputy
    “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I can barely see this as I type because of all the tears flowing but I had to thank you. The last three days had a profound impact on me. Here I am…a cop sitting on the floor crisscross applesauce meditating and crying and I’m ok with it. I’m ok with it. I AM OK with this. I love you Sue and your people. Thank you for this. I don’t expect miracles overnight but I didn’t expect to feel like this, not this morning.”
    Sheriff's Deputy
    November 2022
  • Family Member of a Police Officer
    “…thank you so much for what you are doing and the service you’re providing for our first responders. My husband attended your three day retreat this last week and came back completely renewed. I didn’t realize how much this job was affecting us and our marriage, I knew it was but didn’t realize how much we could do to live our life in a happier, healthier way. My husband is smiling again, intentional, and thriving. I know it’s only been a couple days, but I will take it and support him the best I can. I just wanted to send a genuine thank you. The life as family to a police officer is not easy, but I am thankful for a community that understands and carries the same burdens.”
    Family Member of a Police Officer
    November 2022
  • Family Member of a Firefighter
    “Thank you all so much for putting this program together, it is so needed! My husband has been a firefighter for 24 years and is near retirement. How I wish we had access to programs like this early on in his career! I am leaving here today with hope and so much more understanding. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
    Family Member of a Firefighter
    November 2022
  • 3-Day Conference Attendee
    "Best training in mental and physical health I have ever been a part of. Thank you for doing this so, so much."
    3-Day Conference Attendee
    June 2022
  • 3-Day Conference Attendee
    "Sue and crew you have hit a home run with this program. You have and will continue to save careers, lives and families."
    3-Day Conference Attendee
    June 2022
  • 3-Day Conference Attendee
    "I am deeply touched by all y'all shared, experienced methods of what worked for everyone. The tools, the support, the security of feeling it being a safe place. Well done everyone!"
    3-Day Conference Attendee
    June 2022
  • 3-day Conference Attendee
    “This was the most useful class I've attended in 20 years in the fire service. Hands down. So many amazing team members that genuinely care.”
    3-day Conference Attendee
    February 2023
  • 3-day Conference Attendee
    “Loved every second of the training. I now have more tools to help me with this long career ahead. THANK YOU!”
    3-day Conference Attendee
    February 2023
  • 3-day Conference Attendee
    “Thank you for creating this program. It is so difficult to ask or seek help but this conference provides tools in a safe environment that makes it easier to work on ourselves without feeling less about ourselves.”
    3-day Conference Attendee
    February 2023
  • Battalion Chief
    "Listening to the instructors share personal stories made it easy to relate to. I feel connected. It’s a comforting feeling knowing I’m not alone."
    Battalion Chief
  • Attendee
    “I can’t thank you enough for the gift of this experience and for the tools and permission to heal”
    April 2019